With due deference, I beg to differ. Lines of code (LOC) was once the software metric, is now merely a software metric. One among many other software metrics that are being continually conceived, created, and enhanced as software engineering grapples with deepening complexity. There was a time when the biggest challenge with writing code was to make it run, just as the earliest buildings humans built were good if they stood. You could count bricks and measure up such buildings. But then we learnt to build structures like the Taj Mahal. Just as it would be facile to try and measure the Taj by the weight of its marble, software systems of today are intricate interactions of components that are way beyond the ken of code count. Not only are the components larger than their lines of code, the interaction is larger than the component count. Simple intuitive metrics – unrelated to LOC – can give us insights into how design happens, and how responsibilities can be delegated (equitably, one hopes!) to components. I look forward to lively discussions on this and other topics at a forthcoming conference.